イワタ タケオ
岩田 武男 所属 新潟薬科大学 薬学部 薬学科 職種 准教授 |
言語種別 | 英語 |
発行・発表の年月 | 1999/09 |
形態種別 | 論文 |
標題 | Molecular cloning of newt sex pheromone precursor cDNAs: evidence for the existence of species-specific forms of pheromones. |
執筆形態 | 共著 |
掲載誌名 | FEBS letters |
掲載区分 | 国外 |
巻・号・頁 | 457(3),pp.400-4 |
著者・共著者 | Iwata T, Umezawa K, Toyoda F, Takahashi N, Matsukawa H, Yamamoto K, Miura S, Hayashi H, Kikuyama S |
概要 | Cloning of cDNA encoding a decapeptide pheromone (sodefrin) that attracts conspecific female newts was attempted. A cDNA clone encoding a protein consisting of 189 amino acid residues including a sodefrin sequence was isolated from a Cynops pyrrhogaster abdominal gland cDNA library. Likewise, a cDNA clone encoding a molecule comparable to the sodefrin precursor was obtained from a Cynops ensicauda abdominal gland cDNA library. This clone encoded a precursor protein of 192 amino acid residues, including a sodefrin-like peptide sequence with substitutions of two amino acid residues. This is the first report of a peptide pheromone precursor in vertebrates. |
ISSN | 0014-5793 |
PMID | 10471817 |